Discover our global delivery options

CMI offers

global delivery for our bog mats

Explore the extensive delivery options for bogmats (also known as crane mats) worldwide. Whether you’re involved in the construction industry, managing infrastructure projects, or responsible for organizing events, our bogmats can be delivered globally to meet your specific needs. With our global logistics partners and extensive experience in international shipments, we can ensure seamless deliveries wherever you are. From North America to Europe, Asia to Africa, and everywhere in between, rely on our expertise to get your bogmats or crane mats to the desired location on time.

Export formalities

When it comes to delivering bogmats or crane mats worldwide, we understand that export formalities are crucial. Our dedicated team of experts has in-depth knowledge of international trade rules and regulations, enabling us to assist you in navigating complex customs processes. Whether it’s arranging necessary permits, completing customs documents, or managing other export-related procedures, we take care of smooth handling. You can rely on our thorough understanding of export formalities to ensure your bogmats or crane mats cross borders without any issues and arrive at your project site on time.

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